That could be a few things. My Dean Koontz collection? My organizational skills for the middle room? My ability to hang something straight on the wall? Pictures that haven't seen the light of day in 10 years? Who knows.
The move has been great and it has been 4 weeks and I have to admit that the house is getting more organised as the days go by. There have been quite a few things bought for the house that I will most likely enjoy ranging from a huge sectional in the "rec room" downstairs to the little Swiffer vacuum that I bought to keep all the puppy tumbleweed at bay. Dark floor plus a Miss Mel Mel requires constant work.
I was glad for all the help we got for the day of the move. My mom, NavyWife, Mr NavyWife, Maine, her kids, PizzaGuy, Grandma, Nash, and FerFord all stopped in to help. Big thanks from the DH and I really appreciate it!
We were able to get a bunch more done than expected and even Maine and PizzaGuy came back on Sunday with the kids to help out. We had them all over earlier in the day since their AC is on the blink and it was way too hot to have them melting while we were just watching t.v.
The girls are loving the yard and there are times it is trying to get then back in when we are out there in the afternoon. We have a fire bowl now with a permit so our Canada Day was spent with Maine, her kids, PizzaGuy, Aircoolin', Corrie Fan and their little one. We had a fire with marshmallows and have talked about getting together again cook a whole meal over the fire.
Work is still eluding me but I have been on some interviews and there have been a couple that have emailed me or called me back before the date of the interview stating that there are allergies in the office. Now don't get all defensive on my behalf, because if they were there first there isn't much I can do. There is no discrimination that can be claimed or any HR policies that have been broken. So I am going to complete my EI reports and keep searching while working on the house.
The stuff for surgery is going along great as well. I have been able to get cancelled appointments since I have been off. I have had the Nutritionist appointments, I have met with the Psychologist and she has given me information to take back to Dr. Sarah to changed my meds up. I was little concerned about decreasing my happy pills to almost nothing but after talking with Susanne and Dr. Sarah we have it all fixed up again. I am able to stay on the Happy pills after surgery since I am going to sprinkle them in my food morning and night.
Ran into MommaHenry at Wal-Mart and we were able to chat for a bit. We are talking about having a girly day at Wonderland with Jensen so we will see if this comes around. But I do know that I am going this weekend with the DH and Nash and I think this is the first "outing" we have had that didn't involve the house LOL
Mel is working on her "issues" with bangs and the compressors from the bowling alley. According to my trainer, Mel is to sit and wait out the stress until she lies down. In the meantime we act like nothing is going on. She had that test all morning at the Milton Market when we were at the St. John Ambulance booth. The tent beside us were using helium for balloons and they also had a few pop. When it came to the 4 hour mark she had enough and was trying to get under the table to hide. I guess we all have our limits. Below is her and Cookie strutting their Therapy Dog stuff at the Market and I will post again soon.