Sunday, 5 October 2014

Just about there!

I know it has been a bit of time since my last post but not much really has gone on to update you on until now..........

I have been going on interviews to the point the Edge has enough reference calls that she figures I should have had something by now. She also believes that I will find a payroll career in the healthcare industry. She was able to peg DoxyLovers new payroll position before she got it. So who knows what the universe has in store.

Nash is still at the house and the DH and I were able to get her a second job where we are and she is loving it so far and enjoys the extra cash.

The house warming was a blast and there weren't any pictures taken which I am fine with.  I think that I am at my highest weight and really didn't want to see myself. It was great to see friends and watch the 6 degrees of seperation around the yard lol.

I haven't been to BBWLSG in a while since they meet at a busy coffee place for the meetings. Now they are back at Sunshineherders I will most likely start going again.

Now for the exciting bit........I have a surgery date of December the first! I will need to be on a skake for 2 weeks before my surgery date so if you have any dinner dates you want me to come partake of, it will need to be before November the 14th.

The process of introducing food back into my stomach will be a 8 week process so Christmas and my birthday will be most likely at home and made with a magic bullet lol So I am embracing my 2 Thanksgivings this weekend and next.  I decided not to the "food farwell tour" that others have done in the past. I don't want to look at the 2 weeks of shakes as a chore or resent them, but as a stepping stone of this process.

So I am sure that there are posts to follow soon with food cravings and my trials with the shakes.

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