Wednesday 15 August 2012

Updatey Goodness

I headed to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon with a shortened day at work.  I arrived a little early so Nikki and I hung out in the car while listening to satellite radio.  I am glad that I did since they played some stuff from the Star Trek the Motion Picture.  Sorry….as we digress…

I was sitting in the exam room and my doctor comes in and she pauses and smiles.  Should I be concerned or am I just her favorite patient?  She remarked on how I looked and using her terms “amazing” made me feel good.  She has been getting after me for years to drop some weight and when she told me a year ago it was either Dr. Poon or gastric bypass I chose the first!  She is happy with what I have done so far and is expecting more results when I go back in October for my physical.

After a little chat about Poon we got to the real reason I was there, my melon.  I told her about the fall etc and how I have been since and she doesn’t think that it is low BP or dehydration since she had me shakes my head around like a wet dog with my eyes closed and nearly fell off the chair!  AT this point she thinks that it is an inner ear thing and has me on some pills to start the process.  As these are kicking in I am off to get a CT scan done of the brain……*insert brain jokes here * to see why I am still having concussion type symptoms.

I have been given the green light to do walking but as soon as I feel dizzy I am to sit.  So I guess we are a lapping the circle a few times instead of the treks to the mall or McD`s for a treat.  With that being said I am going to have to stick to Phase 1 even closer so that I don`t deviate on my weight loss since I can`t expend my little bites of cheating (like the red velvet cake at P wedding) ha ha

More news as I get it.

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