Sunday, 16 November 2014

Thank You

To all of you that joined me over the past few weeks before I embarked on my Opti Fast journey. I don't think it was possible but by the end of it all I thought I could got out for another meal!   For those of you that are curious my last supper was a festival special. YUM!

So I started my Opti this morning and I am trying to make the best of a bad situation. The stuff tastes awful. I tried it this morning using some suggestions I was given at BWLSSG by adding vanilla extract to some of it, nope; added cinnamon to some, nope; and one last attempt with ice at lunchtime. Definitely not.  So I have decided that I am going to just put the loose powder in my mouth and wash it down with water. I mentioned this to Nash and she hopes it doesn't react like dry cinnamon in the mouth. I guess I will see when I take my last opti of the day just before bed.

I made a mistake thinking that it was a complete meal replacer and waited 4 hours before eating again. This put me out of sorts for a few hours until I got some chicken broth in me. So I think by chugging the drink and then eating the foods allowed I should be okay.

That brings me to my shift tonight....we were super busy earlier which kept me going but now it is quiet and this when I get a bite to eat.  I just want to munch on some chunks of cheese or cheese sticks.  So to occupy myself you get to read about my whining lol.

I will let you guys know how the dry opti goes down later (becuase I know you can't wait to find out! )

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