Friday, 18 September 2015

August 19th

This was a busy day for a day off.......

The DH loaded up the Dodge to head to the conference centre and hotel for the IC and I stayed behind to work my shift at the second job before heading out on Thursday.

It is a good thing I did since I was getting texts from the DH if things that he had forgotten to bring with him to the hotel.  So I started a pile at the front door and decided to just keep adding to it until I packed up the car.

Grandma S stopped overnight to watch the Noodle so I could work the second shift.  She was able to stick around into Thursday so that I could run into the store quickly without a dog.  So once I had the car fully packed with the girls and all the stuff I headed off to Niagara Falls around lunchtime.

I received a call from the DH saying that he was should WaytoKill'em around the Falls and that I would have to drive on Clifton Hill to meet them to get the room key. O_o  This is the busiest street in Niagara Falls Ontario because of the tourist stuff to do.  I am glad that the DH was waiting for me outside to the attraction since there was no way I could have found parking.

I crossed the border into NY and that is when I fell apart.... believe it or not, there is a Sheraton AT the Falls and a Sheraton ON the Falls?  Well I had the wrong on in the GPS and I was trying to figure out why it kept taking me back across the border.  So I pulled over and called the DH crying and he gave me the address I needed and I was just over a minute away from the hotel.  PHEW!

I got to the hotel and started to unload the car and when I got up to the room with the girls the hotel had a surprise for them!

This was nice of them!  I should have told them that I had the 2 dogs, since I can see some looks coming from Nikki claiming this bed.  So on the last trip to the car I brought up the bed that is in the car for Melodie and she is such a sweet girl she just slept on the old dog bed and was happy.

I began unpacking the luggage for the stay and the DH and WaytoKill'em came to the room with Garcia and Jong and we had a good chin wag to catch up on news.

At this point I realised that I hadn't eaten since I ate the power bar in the car and the troll was getting achy. So we decided to herd down to a TGIFridays and met up with AwardsQueen and R6RC.  And of course I was at a restaurant with Garcia so we had to get Mozza Stixs again lol.  He got a fair bit  more than just these but who I am I to turn down a decent mozza stick!

I also discovered that when you are in a hotel restaurant that is holding the IC, you can never just have a meal and leave.  As we were enjoying dinner we were joined by JD and BFFlorida.  They are a great set of friends who went me to the stock yards in Dallas.  They were the ones that invited me along so I thought I would return the favour and show them my neck of the woods on a walking tour tomorrow of the Falls.  So as I was getting tired from the noises of the restaurant I had the best of intentions to get up and go, but then we were joined by KU and her hubby MU.  At this point I was too tired from the day and needed to leave and it isn't like I wasn't see them during the IC.  So if you plan to go, go.  There will always be someone showing up and you will never got out!

So I took a very tired Nikki back to the room and she decided to flop for the night and this is where she spent the rest of the night:

August 18th

And this begins the upswing to the IC..........

Garcia and Jong were up from California to take advantage of the sights and fun that Toronto had to offer before heading out to Niagara Falls NY for the conference.  So the DH and I headed off to the hotels around PIA to catch up with them over a really late supper.  See California folks are 3 hours head of us in the time zones so since the DH  were working  and could get out until 8ish, this worked in their favour.

Last year at the IC Garcia and I were notorious for enjoying the same appetizers, in particular the Mozza Stix.  Did you know I went looking for the post from that weekend and there isn't one?!?!?!  The shock!  LOL  Anyway, Garcia mentioned at dinner tonight of we should split another order for old times sake.  I told him that I would be up to eating half an order, but definitely try to eat one.  Well I did try, and got through half.  The DH was nice enough to eat the other half and Jong and Garcia split the rest of the order.  Of course I did order off the kids menu again and tried side ribs again.  I didn't get through them all (only 3) and the troll let me know I was full.

So I am sure that Jong and Garcia will be in my posts later on since they are joining us in Niagara Falls on Friday after a few sight seeing spots in T.O.

August 16th

Was a day away to see the Jays!

It was bobblehead day.  Yes a bobblehead.  They were having the alumni from 1985 make an appearance since it was the anniversary we won the division series.

So I went as C's second person so that she could get 2 of the bobbleheads.  She likes to have 2 so that she can keep one to display/play with and the other stays in the box so that she can sell it as a collector's item later.  I think she mentioned that this is how she is supporting her retirement LOL
So this is what we went for and as you know it was the second trip for us.
It was a very hot and humid day and the stadium was packed.  It was very tight quarters with the young guy beside me and I was hoping that it would be an empty single seat but alas it wasn't.  So all of us were very tolerable with each other and I am glad that I wasn't at my highest weight because that would have been ugly.  Between all the sweat in places I didn't think sweated ands constantly touching someone would have drove me nuts.
Well that will be the last game of the season for me since F is going with C to the last 2 games that she wants to go to.
I guess I will see if she needs me next year LOL

Friday, 11 September 2015

August 15th

Was a blast at the farm!

The DH and I took Nash and her friend Little Sara to the barn and had a great ride.  The sun was shining but it made for a really warm ride.  I don't think Nash minded at all and who did they put me on for a horse?  Kelly!  Really.....the Cadillac of the horses!  This gal was built for comfort and not for speed.

And before you ask.....yes my feet are out of the stirrups, my butt fit in the saddle and no I am not wearing a helmet (after much discussion from the DH.)
I did find however that I have no padding left in the my riding butt :(  I had 3 points on my bottom that were bony where I was making contact with the saddle.  But I did have loads of fun!

To quote the Dixie Chicks......

"I said a long time, long time, long time gone
Well it’s been a long time
Long time, long time, long time gone
Oh, it's been a long time gone
Long time, long time, long time gone
Yeah yeah"

I know it has been a few weeks since my last post but I plan on getting caught up during the day today and into the weekend.

So rather than swamping you guys with one loooooong post I will break it down into multiple posts with the date on it as the subject line.

You have been warned!

So make a cuppa and settle in for a long chat :D