Friday 18 September 2015

August 18th

And this begins the upswing to the IC..........

Garcia and Jong were up from California to take advantage of the sights and fun that Toronto had to offer before heading out to Niagara Falls NY for the conference.  So the DH and I headed off to the hotels around PIA to catch up with them over a really late supper.  See California folks are 3 hours head of us in the time zones so since the DH  were working  and could get out until 8ish, this worked in their favour.

Last year at the IC Garcia and I were notorious for enjoying the same appetizers, in particular the Mozza Stix.  Did you know I went looking for the post from that weekend and there isn't one?!?!?!  The shock!  LOL  Anyway, Garcia mentioned at dinner tonight of we should split another order for old times sake.  I told him that I would be up to eating half an order, but definitely try to eat one.  Well I did try, and got through half.  The DH was nice enough to eat the other half and Jong and Garcia split the rest of the order.  Of course I did order off the kids menu again and tried side ribs again.  I didn't get through them all (only 3) and the troll let me know I was full.

So I am sure that Jong and Garcia will be in my posts later on since they are joining us in Niagara Falls on Friday after a few sight seeing spots in T.O.

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