I picked up my bib and chip on Saturday so that means I was committed to do it. I was committed to do it when the bosses paid the registration months ago, but this just solidified it in my mind (especially when it had my name on it!0

My race start time was for 7 am and I found out that the co-workers that signed up for the 10K thought that they didn't train hard enough and dropped down to the 5K with me. Well 2 of them were MIA by start time and so that left me with JamAng

We started off running the first kilometer together and since I am still on interval training I broke into a walk. JamAng said that if she started walking she wouldn't pick up the run again. I told her to go on ahead and I would see her at the end.
Well I stuck with the intervals until the 3K mark when they were handing out water and sports drink. I went right past them to the garbage can and threw up. I had a volunteer explain to me that my body had to much lactic acid and I was getting rid of it. She suggested walking for a bit and then picking up the run again. So walked a full kilometer and then ran the last kilometer to the finish line.
I came in 166 of 199 runners and did it all in 50 minutes and 18 seconds.

Nikki was rather distraught looking for me at the finishing line. I t was nice to see that I had 2 fans looking for me at the end :)

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