Thursday, 20 September 2012

2 steps forward....

3 steps back.

I went for another run tonight and my shins are killing me!  I couldn't get up to the minute and half so I am thinking of adding another 2 weeks to the beginning of the schedule.

The first extra week I think I will make it 3 sessions a week of 1 minute run, one minute walk for eight times a session.  The 2nd week will be increased to a minute and a half 4 times a session.

I am the type of person that needs a goal so I am hoping with this gradual process I can see them as little milestones that I meet.  So hopefully I will be able to be a "runner" (what it is in my mind) my New Year's.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The Ghods are smiling…..

Or that is what I think :)
I have the best of intentions (to point I have put it in my planners) that I run on Tuesdays and Thursdays and a day on the weekend depending on what is going on in the world.  And as many of you know, the weekends aren’t that easy to be spontaneous with LOL
I wake up on Tuesday morning and check the weather on the television to find that the rain is clearing out around 2 in the afternoon and make it clear for the Tuesday night run!
Well I had the run……I ended up buying a kitchen timer from the dollar store so that I don’t have to be focused on watching the clock and it just counts down and beeps.  I attached to my shirt and Mel and I headed out.
I know that since I am new at the running thing and I am finding the groove, but I can officially say that I can run for one minute and twenty seconds before my mind or body called it done.  So I have 2 more runs this weeks and I have set the goal to make the 2 minute before moving on next week.  Ohio says that if I need to keep at week one for week two before moving on then so be it.  She says that there are no races in December so I am better off just aiming for a 5 k in the spring…….5k!?!?!?!?!?  That is the same as running half way across town!  I guess it is a goal I try for.
Here’s hoping that I don’t look like this when I am out……

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

I feel like the chorus to a Sawyer Brown song....

"The Race Is On" by Sawyer Brown


Now the race is on
and here comes pride in the backstretch
Heartaches goin' to the inside
My tears are holdin' back
They're tryin' not to fall
My heart's out of the runnin'
True love's scratched for another's sake
The race is on and it looks like heartaches
and the winner loses all

While I was at Wonderland with C & F and the DH, C and I started to talk about our weight loss. We have both reached roughly the same place to make it to "One"derland.  For those of you that live in "One"derland good for you.  But I have been able to visit for over 15 years and the last time before that was grade 9!

So C and decided that were were going to have a bit of a challenge to see who makes it to "One"derland first and the chorus of this song keeps rolling around in my head that the race is on.

We never did talk about a little wager but I was thinking that the one that gets to "One"derland could have a day at Canada’s Wonderland focused on them, but if it isn’t open…..a dinner at Canyon Creek Chophouse at Square “One” in Mississauga. 

Like the theme I ran with? LOL
I will let you know how things progress.

This and that....

First off thank you to all of you that have given me words of encouragement since my last post...I honestly didn't know there were that many of you lurking at my life :)

Things have been getting better and I am starting to come around again.  Hopefully I will be able to take all of this in stride.

Speaking of stride (like that segway LOL) I made it through Wonderland without needing to get another chiropractic adjustment done so I figure I can give myself the go ahead for running again.  My biggest concern is the x-ray results from yesterday.  The stitch I keep getting is thanks to my gall bladder and it is nice to know what is doing it, but I have to wait a week to see if it stays or goes.  So for the here and now I will start with week one with the process of rinse and repeat until I get the results back. At least I will be moving around and starting things off again.

I have been told that if the gall bladder goes, that I will have to change my eating habits.  Some folks have issues with dairy, some have it with greasy foods.  I have been able to find a list of food to avoid after surgery:


While your body adjusts, it is a good idea to avoid high-fat foods for a few weeks after having gallbladder surgery. High-fat foods include:
  • Foods that are fried, like French fries and potato chips
  • High-fat meats, such as bacon, bologna, sausage, ground beef, and ribs
  • High-fat dairy products, such as cheese, ice cream, cream, whole milk, and sour cream
  • Pizza
  • Foods made with lard or butter
  • Creamy soups or sauces
  • Meat gravies
  • Chocolate (THE ANGUISH!!!!!!!)
  • Oils, such as palm and coconut oil
  • Skin of chicken or turkey

Lookie here...this looks like a page out of Papa Poon's book.  Just another reason I am meant to be with Dr. Poon the rest of my life. 

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The good, the bad and the ugly…

Well things have really been a roller coaster of a ride and I also include a trip to Canada’s Wonderland too LOL
The good is my melon is on the mend.  After spending 4 hours in the ER with my DH to find out that I was going to be put on narcotics since I think they were grasping at straws at this point.  The family doctor wanted me to be part of a concussion clinic but I haven’t heard anything more.  After 2more days of dizziness and getting approval from the ER doctor, I went to see the chiropractor.  Some of you might think of it as hullabaloo or whatever, but after seeing him for 18 years I think it works.  He had his work cut out for him when I got there and a few adjustments I am as good as new!  No more dizziness and just a few headaches that Advil can fix.   
I wish I can get out and run again, but I have been put on hold for one more week so that we can make sure my C1 doesn’t slip out again. Going to Wonderland this weekend with C & F will be a big rewarding for her since she is going to go back to all her nemesis that made her do the walk of shame when she was bigger a few years ago.  I am going to go on a few of them too and I guess seeing the chiro “as needed” next week is like a “get of jail free” card for this weekend LOL
The bad… eating.  It has been amazing how I can look back on what I am eating and think that this is “clean eating” almost a year ago.  I am not going into details, but let me say I felt really weird eating onion rings from Harvey’s the other night.
The ugly is my thought process……Leigh-Ann has been on Poon for a year and had lost over a 100 pounds and kudos to her for doing it.  She even made it to the Hamilton Spectator for it because of the great strides she has made.  No pun intended since she is runner.  I began to feel down on myself since November is my 1 year anniversary and I know that I am the only one to blame.  There aren’t people hold me down and shoving food into my mouth against my will but something needs to change.  I almost….no I did felt resentful towards Leigh-Ann.  Maybe resentment is the wrong word….more like jealous.  I have a lot of “should haves” that creep in since I really hate mind reflections since they are a real bugger.
So that gets you up to date on what is going on inside and out LOL so hopefully I will be able to post the pics from this weekend.