Wednesday 19 September 2012

The Ghods are smiling…..

Or that is what I think :)
I have the best of intentions (to point I have put it in my planners) that I run on Tuesdays and Thursdays and a day on the weekend depending on what is going on in the world.  And as many of you know, the weekends aren’t that easy to be spontaneous with LOL
I wake up on Tuesday morning and check the weather on the television to find that the rain is clearing out around 2 in the afternoon and make it clear for the Tuesday night run!
Well I had the run……I ended up buying a kitchen timer from the dollar store so that I don’t have to be focused on watching the clock and it just counts down and beeps.  I attached to my shirt and Mel and I headed out.
I know that since I am new at the running thing and I am finding the groove, but I can officially say that I can run for one minute and twenty seconds before my mind or body called it done.  So I have 2 more runs this weeks and I have set the goal to make the 2 minute before moving on next week.  Ohio says that if I need to keep at week one for week two before moving on then so be it.  She says that there are no races in December so I am better off just aiming for a 5 k in the spring…….5k!?!?!?!?!?  That is the same as running half way across town!  I guess it is a goal I try for.
Here’s hoping that I don’t look like this when I am out……

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