Thursday 11 April 2013

March 30th…Poon Seminar

Well I as dreading today and I think that is why I slept in so late this morning.  I lounged in bed and thought about not going to the Dr. Poon seminar at 1 pm, but I did spend money on it to go so I thought I better not waste it.
I got in at 12:30 and the line was already packed down the hall.  I ran into Ham and MedivalGal and thought I would stick it out.  I sat with MedivalGal near the front and listen to Dr. Poon reinforce the items that are in his book and also how to read labels within the guidelines of his eating.
There was a break between the sessions that I approached him and I asked if there was a therapist that knew his way of eating and that could help me out.  HE asked for more details and his reply to the CBED was “Eat a whole cow if you want and eat all you want just as long as it my foods” with a really big grin.  Then he told me that I should book an appointment with Dr. Crystal and let him know what is going on.  Dr. Chrystal also is a therapist plus a medical doctor so I would be getting the best of both worlds.
As a side note, Dr. Crystal was the first doctor I had when I started on this journey and he made me feel good about visiting.  I am not sure if it was the “newness” of starting it or if it was him.
I sat through the rest of the seminar and thought that there might be some light at the end of the tunnel that isn’t an oncoming train.

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