Once 545 rolled around we headed off to the registration. We were the first few to get there and then
closer to 6 the line formed in the hallway.
Believe it or not things are upgrading in hospitals. Now meds are all done by a QR code. So the computer file is opened and wouldn’t
dispense meds until the QR was scanned.

Once I was registered I was placed in a gown that ran hot
air around my body and I was informed that there has been a study that shows
that warmer bodies prior to surgery have a less chance of getting infections.

So by the time I was all cozy and warm they escorted the DH
to pre-op when I met my anesthesiologist and talked over what was going to
happen. Then I walked to surgery. Yes
walked to surgery. I climbed up on the
table and remember getting stuff hooked up and a poor OR nurse who was “well endowed”
and every time I moved I brush up against her.
I joked that I was going to have to buy her flowers at this rate.
Next thing I know I am in a room coming out of a nap being
asked if I was in pain or felt like vomiting.
Then I drifted back out. I remember overhearing one nurse saying “I wish
my recovery patient was like Ms. Thompson since she has done nothing but sleep.”
So I figured that it was okay and I went back to sleep again LOL
It wasn’t until around 3 when I finally looked at clock and
felt rested enough to see what the world was up to. I had some pain in my back and
I am not sure from sleeping or from the CO2 they put in me to keep me
deflated. Either way I couldn’t
Finally at 430 I got wheeled up to my room and I took
another bit of a nap. Once the DH came
up after some supper I had enough of the neighbour that was the south of me and
need to leave the room. He was a grumpy
so-n-so and I couldn’t take how he was treating his wife.
At this point I met a new friend from the message board and
I will call her Fiona. Since for some
reason I thought that was her name LOL. We were able to compare notes since we
had the same doctor and her surgery was the one after mine.
I finally decided to call it night around 830 after enjoying
some ice chips to try to drown the icky taste in my mouth.
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