Friday, 6 July 2012

Thought Ahead

Without fail, there are treats in the lunchroom....and again they are sweets in the shape if donuts and I am awfully tempted to got in there and grab one.....but no.

I have thought ahead and brought one of my Dr. Poon approved doughnuts from the clinic and will still enjoy the coconut middle without the guilt.

For those that are wondering what the doughnuts are.....take a look:

I know that they are nothing to look at but I really do enjoy these especially when the 3 pm snakkies hit :)  I am glad that they are pretty inexpensive and you can keep them in the freezer for months (not like they are going to last that long LOL)

I am just waiting for the one I brought to defrost (hopefully by 10) so that I can enjoy it with my tea.


  1. Good for you! I promise, at 8:48pm on July 6th, 2012, to never bring donuts to the office again...and I might even watch Paul this weekend so I can pretend I went to the convention too.

  2. If you want to enjoy what I am doing this weekend, watch GalaxyQuest :)
